
The system diagrams uses for constructing paths can seem overly complex at first—there are many different types involved, and a plethora of ways to convert between them. However, it is the result of deep thought and careful design—that's not to say it is perfect, but for the most part, things are the way they are for a reason. The concept of a "path" has quite a few inherent subtleties!

The goal of this tutorial, therefore, is to give you proficiency in working with trails and paths via practice on numerous exercises. This tutorial is not intended to be a comprehensive reference; for that, consult the user manual. As a prerequisite, you should already be familiar with the material in the tutorial on vectors and points.


The basic building block of diagrams paths is the segment. For the purposes of this tutorial, however, it is enough to know that a segment can be either a straight line segment or a (cubic Bézier) curve, and that the lines, loops, trails, and paths we will meet in the following sections are all built out of segments. Typically, in creating diagrams, one does not need to work directly with segments. Consult the user manual if you wish to know more about them.


The first foundational concept to understand is that of a line, which is a translation-invariant path through space, consisting of a sequence of segments end-to-end. Note that a line can be arbitrarily kinked and curved. Think not of a "straight line", but rather of a "train line" or a "subway line".

A line is a kind of trail (we will meet the other kind in the following section), and has type Trail' Line v for some vector type v (typically V2 Double).

Constructing lines

Lines are an instance of the TrailLike class, so to construct a line, you can use any function with a return type like TrailLike t => ... -> t. Examples of such functions include fromOffsets, fromVertices, fromSegments, (~~), circle, arc, triangle, square, pentagon, rect, roundedRect, polygon, arc, cubicSpline, and bspline, among many others (click a function name to see its type, its documentation, and other nearby functions).

A line can be turned into a diagram with strokeLine. Since lines are translation-invariant, they have no definite location in space, and strokeLine must arbitrarily pick a location; by default, the origin is chosen as the starting location of the line. (Of course, in many situations this does not matter.)

Lines are never filled, so setting a fill color on a line has no effect. (For things that do get filled, see the next section on Loops.)

Below are a series of diagrams that you should attempt to reproduce. Each exercise lists functions that you may find useful in completing it. If you are really stuck or want to check your answers, you can find the source code for this tutorial on github.

  1. fromOffsets

  2. lineOffset, direction

  3. fromVertices

  4. pentagon

  5. pentagon, onLineSegments

Composing lines

A very important feature of lines is that they are an instance of Monoid, with the empty line (containing no segments) as mempty, and concatenation of lines as mappend (aka <>).

  1. mappend

  2. iterateN, rotateBy, mconcat

  3. reverseLine


A loop is another kind of trail, with type Trail' Loop v n. Loops are like lines, except for the fact that they are "closed": they end in the same place where they start, and have an "inside" and an "outside".

Constructing loops

Loops are also an instance of TrailLike, so many of the same functions mentioned in the previous section for constructing lines can also be used to construct loops.

Loops can be turned into diagrams with strokeLoop.

  1. strokeLoop

  2. Change strokeLoop to strokeLine in your solution to the previous exercise. Explain the difference in the output.

Converting between lines and loops

There are two functions which allow converting a line into a loop. The first is glueLine. It simply assumes that the line ends in the same place that it starts, and "glues" the line closed. (If the line does not end in the same place that it starts, the final segment will be altered so that it does.)

Note that unlike lines, loops do not have a Monoid instance. One common pattern for constructing complicated loops is to concatenate some lines and then call glueLine on the result. You try:

  1. glueLine

  2. arc

    You may also find this function useful:

    > andThen t1 t2 = t1 <> t2 # rotate (d1 ^-^ d2)
    >   where
    >     d1 = direction (tangentAtEnd t1)
    >     d2 = direction (tangentAtStart t2)

    Alternatively, you can use Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Follow from the diagrams-contrib package.

The second function for converting from lines to loops, closeLine, adds an extra (linear) segment from the end of the line to the beginning.

  1. closeLine

Finally, to convert from a loop to a line, use cutLoop, which "cuts" a loop at its shared start/end point, resulting in a line which "just happens" to end where it starts. It is harder to come up with exercises requiring the use of cutLoop; in most cases where you might think of using it, you could simply construct a line in the first place. For example,

> (square 1 :: Trail' Loop V2 Double) # cutLoop :: Trail' Line V2 Double

is exactly the same as square 1 :: Trail' Line V2 Double. So there are no exercises here; it's simply useful to be aware that in any situation where something that is naturally a loop is interpreted as a line (for example, square 1 :: Trail' Line V2 Double), cutLoop is being used under the hood.


We have now seen both types of trails. The Trail type is simply a wrapper around both lines and loops. That is, something of type Trail v n is either a line or a loop, wrapped up so the type does not tell you which it is (though it is possible to recover the information dynamically, using functions like withTrail). To make a line or loop into a Trail, use wrapLine or wrapLoop, respectively. Many of the functions we have seen on lines and loops have corresponding versions that operate on Trails, such as strokeTrail, glueTrail, closeTrail, reverseTrail, and cutTrail.


The Located wrapper associates a point location with an object, turning translation-invariant things into located things.

To give a location to something, use at :: a -> Point (V a) (N a) -> Located a. Located lines, loops, and trails can be turned into diagrams with strokeLocLine, strokeLocLoop, and strokeLocTrail respectively.

One reason you may sometimes want to work with Located trails is when using explodeTrail to turn a trail into a collection of Located trails, one for each individual segment. Using Located in this way remembers the locations of the segments relative to one another.

  1. explodeTrail, mapLoc


A path is simply a collection of located trails.

  1. star, pathTrails

  2. atPoints, fillRule