Step-by-step Heighway dragon fractal.
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Grid
One way to define the Heighway dragon is iteratively. If we have a dragon of a certain level of detail, we can create the next, more detailed, dragon as follows: Take two copies of the previous dragon, rotate them, invert one of them, scale them, and stick them together.
= (trail # rotateBy (-1/8)
nextDragon trail <> trail # rotateBy (5/8) # reverseTrail)
# scale (1/sqrt 2)
With this, we can now generate an infinite sequence of increasingly detailed dragon curves, starting with a straight line.
= map (trailLike . (`at` origin)) (iterate nextDragon initialTrail)
dragonCurves where
= hrule 1 initialTrail
The above is enough to generate a Heighway dragon of arbitrary level of detail, but let’s go a little further to show the relation of successive curves in the sequence.
combines each diagram in a list with a shadow of the previous one.
= zipWith (<>) diagrams (mempty : diagrams # opacity 0.2) withPrevious diagrams
We remember the order of the diagrams by giving them names, so that we can lay them out and then show the order with arrows.
rememberOrder :: [Diagram B] -> [Diagram B]
= zipWith named [0::Int ..]
showOrder :: Diagram B -> Diagram B
showOrder diagram = diagram # applyAll (map addArrow [0 .. length (names diagram)])
= connectOutside' opts n (n + 1)
addArrow n = with & gaps .~ normalized 0.005
opts & headLength .~ tiny
Finally, we put all of the above together, with some layout tricks to make the diagrams and arrows align properly. gridSnake
lays out the diagrams in a “snaking” grid, so that each diagram is adjacent to the previous one.
= dragonCurves # withPrevious
example # take 12
# sameBoundingRect
# rememberOrder
# map (frame 0.1)
# gridSnake
# showOrder
# lw ultraThin
= mainWith (example :: Diagram B) main
= mainWith (example :: Diagram B) main