W. Kolmyjec’s Hex Variation

Author: Alexis Praga

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import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine

This is a transcription in Haskell of “Hex Variation” by William Kolmyjec. The algorithm itself is inspired by the version of Steve Berrick, from the Recode project.

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

import Diagrams.Prelude
import System.Random

We first define the parameters of the tile, which is hexagonal. The side of a hexagon is the radius of its circumscribed circle, here taken as 1.

The apothem is the distance from the center to the side:

h = sqrt(3)/2

We define the difference between the radius and the apothem:

h' = cos(pi/3)

We then define a tile. The hexagon is not actually shown but inside are two arcs, along with a vertical line. To see the tiling, you can add an hexagon in the list below:

hexagon' :: Diagram B
hexagon' = mconcat [arc1 # translateX (-1)
                  , vrule (2*h)
                  , arc1 # rotateBy (1/2) # translateX 1
      arc1 = arc' 0.5 (xDir # rotate (-pi/3 @@ rad)) (2*pi/3 @@ rad)

In the final tiling, the tiles will be rotated randomly with angles in \(\{0, \frac{2 \pi}{3}, \frac{4 \pi}{3} \}\).

rotateHexagon' :: Int -> Diagram B
rotateHexagon' n = hexagon' # rotate (n'*2*pi/3 @@ rad)
    n' = fromIntegral n

The tiling is created from a list of centers, defined here:

centerPosition :: Int -> Int -> (Double, Double)
centerPosition x y
  | (x `mod` 2 == 0) = ((2-h')*x', 2*y'*h)
  | otherwise        = ((2-h')*x', (2*y'-1)*h)
    x' = fromIntegral x
    y' = fromIntegral y

The function generating random angles with a fixed seed:

generateAngles :: [Int]
generateAngles = randomRs (0, 2) (mkStdGen 31)

Finally, the tiling is created here:

hexVariation :: Diagram B
hexVariation = position (zip (map p2 pos) (map rotateHexagon' angles))
    pos = [(centerPosition x y) | x <- [0..nb-1], y <- [0..nb-1]]
    angles = take ((nb+1)*(nb+1)) $ generateAngles

The envelope of our tiling is nb*1.5*side + 0.5*side in width and nb*2*h+h in height. We remove the “corners” to avoid “holes” at the borders of the figure and define the new width and height:

width' = nb*1.5 - 0.5
height' = nb*2*h - h

Which are used to “clip” the figure here:

nb = 12
example :: Diagram B
example = hexVariation # center # rectEnvelope x0 u0 # rotateBy (1/4)
    x0 = p2 (-width'/2, -height'/2)
    u0 = r2 (width', height')
main = mainWith (example :: Diagram B)