A three mirror kaleidoscope with random confetti.

Author: Jeffrey Rosenbluth

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import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import           Control.Monad                 (replicateM)
import           Control.Monad.Random
import           Data.Colour.Palette.ColorSet
import           Data.List                     (zipWith, zipWith3)
import           Diagrams.Prelude
import           System.Random

A helper function like iterate but also takes the list index as a parameter.

iterateIdx :: (Int -> a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterateIdx f t = go f t 0
    go f t i = let t' = f i t
               in  t' : go f t' (i + 1)

Take any Diagram and cut out an equilateral triangle of side 1 from the center. This is the triangle inside of the three mirrors that make up a kaleidoscope. The image is created by first repeatedly reflecting this triangle and assembling the resulting triagles into a hexagon. Then the image plane is tiled with this hexagon.

kaleidoscope :: Diagram B -> Diagram B
kaleidoscope d = appends hex hexs
    hexs   = zip dirs (replicate 6 hex)
    dirs   = iterate (rotateBy (1/6)) (rotateBy (1/12) unitX)
    hex    = mconcat . take 6 $ iterateIdx next tri
    tri    = alignBR $ cutTriangle d
    next i = reflectAbout (0 ^& 0) (rotateBy (- fromIntegral i / 6) xDir)
cutTriangle :: Diagram B -> Diagram B
cutTriangle = clipped (triangle 1) # lw none

We pass as arguments the number of pieces of confetti n and a random seed r. Between 10 and 100 pieces seem to work nicely.

confettiScope :: Int -> Int -> Diagram B
confettiScope n r
  = kaleidoscope (mkConfetti n (mkStdGen r))
  # centerXY <> (circle 2.75 # fc black)
  # pad 1.1

To create an image for use in the kadeidescope we generate a bunch of disks with random location, size, color, and opacity. This is the confetti used as the image. Of course using circles is arbitrary, any shapes and sizes will do.

sizeValue :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Double
sizeValue = getRandomR (0.05, 0.25)
coordValue :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Double
coordValue = getRandomR (-0.5, 0.5)

We use monadRandom to hide the plumbing of the many random numbers we need. The colors are chosen from the 330+ webColors defined in the package Data.Colour.Palette.ColorSet.

confetti :: Int -> Rand StdGen (Diagram B)
confetti n = do
  ss <- replicateM n sizeValue   -- radius
  cs <- replicateM n getRandom   -- color index
  as <- replicateM n getRandom   -- opacity
  xs <- replicateM n coordValue  -- x coordinate
  ys <- replicateM n coordValue  -- y coordinate
  let mkCirc :: Double -> Int -> Double -> Diagram B
      mkCirc s c a = circle s # fc (webColors c) # lw none # opacity a
      pos = zipWith mkP2 xs ys
      conf = zipWith3 mkCirc ss cs as
  return $ position (zip pos conf)

Make the confetti diagram and extract it from the monad.

mkConfetti :: Int -> (StdGen -> Diagram B)
mkConfetti n = evalRand $ confetti n
example = confettiScope 39 0
main = mainWith (example :: Diagram B)