Basic diagram with text, boxes and arrows.
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Diagrams.BoundingBox
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Graphics.SVGFonts
import Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont (PreparedFont)
The diagram is the boxes (the “cube”) and the lines between the boxes.
= do
example <- lin2
font let c = sCube font
return $ pad 1.1 . centerXY $ c <> drawLines c <> square 30
# fc whitesmoke
# scaleY 0.94
# translateX 11
# translateY (-3)
A “box” is a diagram (the “innards”) surrounded by a rounded rectangle. First the innards are padded by a fixed amount, then we compute its height and width – that’s the size of the surrounding rectangle.
box innards padding let padded = strutY padding
||| centerXY innards ||| strutX padding)
(strutX padding ===
strutY padding= diameter (r2 (0,1)) padded
height = diameter (r2 (1,0)) padded
width in centerXY innards <> roundedRect width height 0.1
A single string of text.
text’ font s h = (set_envelope . fit_height h . svgText def { textFont = font } $ s) # lw none # fc white Several lines of text stacked vertically.
= vcat' (with & catMethod .~ Distrib & sep .~ n)
centredText font ls n map (\l -> centerX (text' font l n)) ls)
(= centredText font (splitOn "\n" s) centredText' font s
Diagram-specific parameters, including the positioning vectors.
= 0.5
= r2 (0, -10)
= r2 (7, 5)
= r2 (15, 0) right
A box with some interior text and a name.
= (box (centredText' font s 1) padAmount) # named n mybox font s n
The cube is just several boxes superimposed, positioned by adding together some positioning vectors.
sCube :: PreparedFont Double -> Diagram B
= fc navy $ mconcat
sCube font "Permutation" "perm"
[ mybox font "Permutation\ngroup" "permgroup" # translate right
, mybox font "Symmetry" "sym" # translate upright
, mybox font "Parameterised\npermutation" "paramperm" # translate down
, mybox font "Parameterised\npermutation\ngroup" "parampermgroup" # translate (right ^+^ down)
, mybox font "Parameterised\nsymmetry" "paramsym" # translate (down ^+^ upright)
, mybox font "Symmetry\ngroup" "symgroup" # translate (upright ^+^ right)
, mybox font "Parameterised\nsymmetry\ngroup" "paramsymgroup" # translate (down ^+^ right ^+^ upright)
, mybox font ]
For each pair (a,b) of names, draw an arrow from diagram “a” to diagram “b”.
drawLines :: Diagram B -> Diagram B
= foldr (.) id (map (uncurry
drawLines cube
(connectOutside' (with& headLength .~ small
& shaftStyle %~ lw thin))) pairs) cube
where pairs = [ ("perm","permgroup")
, ("perm","paramperm")
, ("paramperm","paramsym")
, ("sym","symgroup")
, ("paramsym","paramsymgroup")
, ("permgroup","symgroup")
, ("paramperm","parampermgroup")
, ("symgroup","paramsymgroup")
, ("sym","paramsym")
, ("permgroup","parampermgroup")
, ("parampermgroup","paramsymgroup")
, ( ]
= mainWith (example :: Diagram B) main